Green vegetables have a high fiber content, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. So, do not be surprised if green vegetables are one of the types of foods most often recommended by doctors, because there are indeed many benefits of green vegetables for health. Green vegetables are a group of foods that are rich in nutrients, are not difficult to find, are relatively inexpensive, are easy to process, and can be varied into a variety of dishes. These things are a strong reason to include green vegetables in your daily diet. In addition, you also do not need to fear being overweight if you eat green vegetables, because the calories are low. High fiber content in green vegetables can make you quickly full and not hungry fast, so it can prevent you from overeating. Various Benefits of Consumption of Green Vegetables The benefits of green vegetables for health can not be separated from the content of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and various other nutrients in it. The following are some...