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Get to know the term Pregnant Blank

Feel the symptoms of pregnancy and an enlarged abdomen, but how come the fetus doesn't show up on ultrasound? Lest the fetus was taken by spirits. Eits, later! Before you think this has anything to do with mystical, let's, see the following explanation. You may have heard about empty pregnancy or pregnancy without a baby. In this condition, the sac of pregnancy and the placenta continues to grow, but the potential fetus (embryo) in it does not develop. Signs of pregnancy, such as positive test pack results, nausea, and vomiting, may also appear.

Is it true that Pregnancy is Empty Caused by Spirits?

There is a myth that pregnancy without a baby indicates that the baby was taken by spirits. In fact, there is a medical explanation, you know. This condition is called blighted ovum or empty pregnancy. Although the exact cause is unknown, experts believe that this is due to a disruption in the chromosomes or gene carriers in the fetus. In addition, empty pregnancy can also be caused by poor quality sperm or egg cells, so that the process of fertilization and embryo formation does not take place normally. As a result, only developing the placenta and pockets of pregnancy. The risk of developing an empty pregnancy is higher in pregnancy than couples who have blood relations, such as cousins. Well, because of the increased risk of pregnancy disorders, even fetal disability is the reason why many inbreeding is prohibited.

What to do if you have an empty pregnancy?

If you are late for menstruation or experience other pregnancy symptoms, after doing a test pack with positive results, it is better to immediately go to an obstetrician to do an ultrasound examination. From this examination it will be seen whether you are really pregnant or have an empty pregnancy. If the results of the doctor's examination say that you are having an empty pregnancy, then the tissue from the prospective fetus that is not developing must be cleaned from your uterus. There are three ways a doctor might suggest, namely:

Waiting for the rest of the tissue to naturally decay

Waiting can be done, because the rest of the fetal tissue can decay by itself. However, this can take quite a long time, which is several weeks or even months.


Medications, such as misoprostol, can also be used by doctors to help shed residual fetal tissue that is not developing. However, handling this method is not instant and takes several days. During this time of decay, you may experience heavy bleeding and some side effects of the drug, such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

DC procedure (dilation and curettage)

Dilation and curettage are commonly known as curettages. This is a procedure that aims to remove the remnants of fetal tissue from the uterus. Through this procedure, doctors can determine the cause of miscarriage by examining the remaining tissue. Curettage is usually preferred over other methods, because your uterus will clean faster, and the risk of remaining tissue remaining in the uterus is also smaller. Empty pregnancy is neither your fault nor your partner's. Therefore, don't blame yourself. Despite grieving because of the miscarriage that you experienced, keep your spirits and be patient to have another baby. You can consult an obstetrician if you want to undergo a pregnancy program. You only need to wait at least 3 months before being allowed to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. And you don't need to worry, pregnancy after an empty pregnancy generally goes well and healthy.


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